
What is dyslexia?

A learning disorder that involves difficulty reading, writing and spelling due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words (encoding/decoding). Also called a reading disability, dyslexia affects areas of the brain that process language. Dyslexia is not due to either lack of intelligence or desire to learn; with appropriate teaching methods, individuals with dyslexia can learn successfully.

Signs and symptoms of dyslexia:

phonological awareness difficulties -doesn't understand relationship between sounds and letters, can't manipulate sounds within letters or play word games

difficulty decoding -figuring out what a word is based on phonetic rules of language, c-a-t says cat.

Slow, labor intensive reading & writing -may have difficulty with comprehension due to length of time it takes to decode words, may avoid reading, vocabulary may be reduced due to lack of exposure when reading

What is dysgraphia?

Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects writing abilities. It can manifest itself as difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting and trouble putting thoughts on paper